When was the last time you giggled, cracked up, or rolled around on the floor holding your stomach? I don't know about you, but my world has gotten far too serious. Paying bills, exercise, raising kids, work, meeting deadlines, grocery shopping, laundry, cooking...leaves little time for merriment. Not only must we make time for a little levity, but we also must surround ourselves with people that make us smile.
You might think that spending my days with 7th graders would provide me with plenty of opportunity to let loose, but you would be wrong. Kids are way too stressed out. A simple request like, "Write down the quote on the board and reflect on what you think it means," elicits a barrage of inquiries. "Ms. Valvano, what side of the paper should we use? Do we have to write down the author? Are you going to collect this for a grade? How many sentences do we have to write for the reflection?" I wonder if their struggles are mirrored by the adults that fill their lives. Do my own children see me acting silly, or am I just another grumpy person shuffling unhappily through life?
I recently made some new friends at church. After a night of coffee and talk, I awoke the next morning wondering why my seldom used stomach muscles were sore. As the week went on, I found myself chuckling out loud as I remembered our silliness. Each time we gather together, joy seems to follow like an invited guest in our group. We come from all walks of life. We have been beaten up and knocked down. Yet, for me, difficult experiences have made the amusement I have discovered all the more sweeter. I have forgotten to put on my facade of togetherness that usually greets strangers. Gone is the need to impress and the nagging doubt that wonders if I will be liked and accepted. Despite the mean looks at several restaurants and a church service, I will not quiet down.
Treasure the individuals that God has placed in your life, but if you are in rut, maybe it is time to make some new friends. Do something totally out of the box. Have a cupcake fight, watch a stupid movie, or come hang out with me. Instead of counting calories, I am going to start keeping a tally of my squeals of delight. This girl just wants to have fun:)