Thursday, September 8, 2011


My trackout is coming to an end this week.  I was up at 3 AM thinking about ways to teach my 7th graders about the Middle East, pronouns, how to write an essay, and strengthen their reading comprehension.  Sometimes I feel as if teaching is like a Broadway show and I get caught up in creating a flashy presentation.  I imagine myself accepting an award for best original lesson plan in the category of nonfiction genre and get goose bumps all over.  Yesterday, I was reminded of what every child's hidden desire truly is...they want to be cherished.

I arrived at school to pick up my son and neighbor at a service club meeting and ran into a few of my students.  We greeted each other like long lost friends as we shared what had been going on in our lives over the past few weeks.  When I caught the eye of a boy across the room chatting with his friends I was unsure whether I should acknowledge him...he broke into a huge smile and waved his hand overhead like he was hailing a helicopter.  I walked away with butterflies in my stomach reassured that I did not need to spend hours creating the perfect lesson.  In fact, sometimes I need to throw my plans in the trash and talk to the young people that I have been blessed to meet.  I want to learn about their thoughts, desires, and struggles.  I want to remember the color of their eyes along with their end of grade test scores.  Sometimes it is the fear of our own inadequacies that keeps us from really connecting with those people in our lives.  When we make our jobs and relationships more about the people that we serve and not about our own success, I believe we will find a deeper enjoyment and contentment from how we spend the hours of our day. 

I guess I can stop working on the costumes and puppet show I was going to create in order to teach some simple grammar rules.  The acceptance speech for my teacher/mother/wife/human being of the year can be put aside for now.  My focus must shift away from me in order to show the people in my world that they are cherished.  My break from work has been wonderful but I am eager to see my students and resume our learning adventure together.  Talk to me in a couple of weeks when 90 middle schoolers have beaten me down...Ha Ha! 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.

Psalm 139:13-14

I just got back from New York where I spent the last three days celebrating and planning for the arrival of my nephew Rocco.  My sister LeeAnn and her husband Beau are having their first child in a few weeks.  It seems like a lifetime ago that I held my newborn babies in my arms and marveled at the miracle of life.  As I placed my hand on Lee's pregnant belly, I just kept saying, "how is there a baby in there?"  

Praise comes so easily from us as we are welcoming a precious baby into our family. But as the years go by we tend to forget that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made."  I don't feel all that wonderful as I am wrestling to put on a pair of spanx and slide into a skirt that has become just a tad snug.  The miracle of Jake is forgotten when he tells me at 9:00 at night that he forgot to work on a project that is due the next day.  As I battle illness and watch others I love suffer, I don't feel much like praising God for his creations.  And yet, praise is exactly what I need to take down the doubt that secretly lingers at every turn.

Psalm 139 goes on to say...All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Not only was our creator personally involved in the formation of our bodies, but an account has already been made of every breath.  What a comfort that we can rest in the knowledge that we are so loved and cherished.  I anticipate that I will shed tears of gratitude when I hold Rocco in my arms for the first time, but in this moment I celebrate the beautiful tapestry that is my life.  Every single moment, even the dark days, will come together to create something beautiful.  Often I am so caught up in every little thread and detail that I cannot see the bigger work that will one day be complete.  I am so grateful that I don't have to worry about the final product as I remind myself that His works are wonderful I know that full well!

Beau and Lee show off their bellies!!!


Friday, September 2, 2011


Matt and the boys play a game whenever they are in the car together.  Spotting a red, blue, and the rare yellow car are worth a certain amount of points.  Just like putting on your seat belt, Grant believes that this activity is now mandatory for anyone riding in our vehicle.  It is hard trying to have a conversation while your son is screaming out, "yellow one, red one, another red one, blue one..." I have long since given up on the game and just praise Grant that he is so far ahead in the point total. 

This morning at 8:00 AM sharp I left to take Jake, Grant and our neighbors to the elementary and middle school down the street.  I was barely awake and paid little attention to the competition of one that was going on in the back seat.  As we pulled up to a stop light a line of about 10 yellow buses came into view across the street.  Grant quickly shouted out, "yellow school bus" 10 times and then with a little fist pump whispered to himself, "Yes, I rock!"  I could not help but laugh out loud as I witnessed Grant's pride and celebration through the rear view mirror.  Our neighbor, Joshua, even had a chuckle realizing that you have to be quick to beat Grant Howard.

When was the last time you pumped YOUR fist in the air and declared aloud...I ROCK!  Let me see for me that would be...let me think a about NEVER.  I am quick to make a mental list of all the ways I am falling short of all my imaginary expectations, but somehow I don't believe I have the right to pat myself on the back.  Indulge me for a moment....I am a six year breast cancer survivor, a dedicated teacher that truly cares about each and every student in my room, a creative spirit that constantly dreams of new ideas and lessons, a loving mother that is present daily for my two boys, a wife that prays for growth and discovery in her marriage, a considerate friend that seeks to bless those in my life,   a sister that supports her two sisters along their journey, a nurturing daughter, a believer that looks for ways to worship and praise, I perfect in any of these areas in my life?...NO!   

I know that I will never have the self-esteem that my son Grant possesses, but just for a moment I am going to celebrate where I am in this moment and guess what...I ROCK.  I smiled when I typed that message to myself.  I am going to carry that smile with me the rest of the day....