Sunday, September 12, 2010


I had one of those moments with my son Jake yesterday when you feel like you have been punched in the stomach.  He knew I had written something about Grant on my blog and he wondered when I was going to write about him.  I laughed and shared  that I was only beginning and before it was all over he would be begging me to stop sharing his secrets.  Then he uttered the words that caused my heart to sink, "There is nothing special about me so that's probably why you cannot come up with anything."  Yikes!!!  I tell Jake on a daily basis how amazing he is but I am battling the world...a world that likes nothing better than to make us wish we could be different.  A world that delights in comparing us to others and highlighting all the ways we just don't measure up.  How can I become angry with a 10 year old when at 38 I am still trying to change who I am?

I copied parts of Psalm 139 for Jake to serve as a constant reminder that God does not create junk.  For you created my inmost being you knit me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful.   When Jake told me he did not value himself it made me feel like he was saying that I had done a poor job raising him.  I know it was not his intention, but I felt like he was throwing all my love, time, and attention back at me as if it did not matter.  That is only a fraction of the feeling that God must have when we constantly put ourselves down rather than praise and celebrate who we are and the gifts that we have been given.  I am preaching to myself here.  I don't spend a whole lot of time praising myself and the words "I can't" have become a personal mantra.

Our children are watching us everyday.  I need to start looking at myself and my sons through spiritual not worldly eyes.  As I desire to walk in the light and bring glory to God, I must be set apart from the insignificant and take hold of the holy.  Sounds good on paper, but how do we put into action?  Let your children see you praise yourself and never tire of building your children up with words of encouragement.  You might think they know how you feel, but we have to battle the negative influences that take hold of every area of their lives.  Pay attention to who you spend time with and the friends that your children these people make you feel good about yourself?  I wish I had all the answers, but I am learning as I go.
Let's start with allowing one truth to take root in our souls....WE ARE WONDERFUL!  

My wonderful son enjoying his favorite soda!

1 comment:

  1. Jamie - I cannot stop reading your blog! Your honesty about what is going on around you is amazing! You are putting into words what many of us are thinking. Keep fighting and keep putting one foot in front of the other, just as He expects us to do. May God always bless you and your family!

    Debbie (Nevins) Edmundson
